Photo by Absinthe Moon Photography
I know, I haven't posted in a bit, but I had not been shooting much ( I have more shoots coming up, I promise)
Last week I had a shoot with Tim at Absinthe Moon Photography...to add to his series of corpse paint images. For those that don't know what it is, the concept is taking something ( corpse paint) that is normally used by a specific segment of Metal Music bands ( usually, but not always male) and put it on a selection of models. I took my shoot a bit further, using an outfit ( little black dress, elbow length gloves, heels) that would normally not be associated with Metal at all....making my particular shoot more of a Metal/ corpse paint/ glamour shoot. We decided to try and do the shoot at Manteno state Hospital.
Built in the 30's,as a mental institution, it was open until the mid 80's, and is actually listed on Illinois most haunted places. In '85, Reagan and the Sate of Illinois closed it, to save money and those patients that had no family to pick them up, were reportedly, turned out into the surrounding corn fields.
Most of the land and buildings, have since been turned over to things like a Veteran's home, industrial/ office park, and other such uses. There are only 2 buildings that remain un rehabbed and un used...the sewage plant and one of the dorm/ home type buildings. ( I believe "Morgan House" is the name of the building - each building had a name )
After driving around a bit ( Manteno is not a big town, this is on the edge of it, and Google Maps, does not recognise "Manteno State Hospital" since it has been closed since 1985. So Tim picked one of the companies in the industrial park, Frito Lay, and we just had to drive around searching a bit more.
The Interior designer/ history/ Home archaeologist nerd in me, noticed things like the arched windows, slate roof, double layered brick walls( two colors of glazed brick on the inside, red brick on the outside) and columned walks/ entrances. The building still has it's poured in place two colored terrazzo floor ( with metal spacers) under all the detritus. I could identify the bathing rooms, toilet rooms, maintenace rooms. We did not go into the basement, or upstairs...too difficult and dangerous- I was in heels or flip flops at the time....not very good exploring wear.
They really were sunny, open, attractive buildings at one time.
Photo by Absinthe Moon Photography
The next thing I notice is that on this hot ( almost 90) sunny day, with standing water inside some rooms, from holes in the roof, there was not ONE bug....not a gnat, mosquito, fly....nothing. Weird enough.
And as we walked, there was a constant whisper of sound...the tattered roller shades still on many windows, the rustle, creak and groan of sapling trees in the courtyard rubbing against each other and the roof, the breeze though broken windows and open doorways.
And then there were the random cold spots...and in one bathroom and one corner in particular...cold enough to raise goose flesh. We were told that that particular bathroom was "Gennie's room" Gennie was a patient who lived most of her life here.
Tim decided it was only polite to ask if he could take some pictures, of the room, the building, of Gennie. He swears that he heard wordless whispering right behind him....he took that as a yes.
Do I believe in ghosts? I believe that there are things we don't understand,that only some can sense. I believe that imprints of our selves can be left behind. I believe that a place can absorb the energy that is inside it, around it ....and that energy can again, be felt much after the original use or events have happened. So yes, I guess I do.
After we finished our shoot, I only thought it polite to leave something.... an offering of sorts. So I left one of the bracelets I had been wearing in "Gennie's Room" on what was left of a bathtub support. I could swear that the room whispered at me.