So this has been a tough year for the klutz that I am. Earlier this year, during a bathroom remodel that I was doing ( yes, I tend to do the remodeling myself,I enjoy it) I stumbled and tripped over a garbage can that was out of place ( more like stumbled , tripped and got tangled in the garbage can) Causing a broken big toe. I still managed to do my art modeling, with the aid of a stick for long standing poses....which I recommend anyway) But I missed out on one casting call, and wasn't at my best at another...I had to put off shoots, because I couldn't wear heels, and my workout schedule got totally out of whack. I have healed from that, and had been on a normal workout schedule for all of 3 weeks.
But two weeks ago, I was cleaning the house, and dusting my Bat'Leth ( yes, I OWN a Klingon sword, and several other geeky ones as well, like Ramirez's from Highlander and New Moon from ElfQuest ) It fell off the nails it was hung on ( THAT has been remedied, It is now securely on the wall with actual sword hangers) But I couldn't get away fast enough...It cut me, it cut me bad. My left index finger got 13 stitches, the middle had 1. It missed tendons, but did cut through nerves. So I am in an immobilizer for another 4 weeks, to give the nerves a chance to grow back.
So where does that leave me?
Missing out on a planned Underwater shoot, because it can't be soaked or take the pressure and movement of swimming.
Not getting hired for much, because...well my hand. ( even though I can still do head shots...and have FABULOUS ideas for them) as well as having ideas involving lots of feathers to camouflage. ( Oh, it is an EPIC idea!)
I am still doing art modeling, there are some poses I can't do, but for the most part, that is fine.
My workout schedule is again messed up. Though I have full use of my right hand, I can't just work out one side, that will be I will concentrate on abs and lower body.
On the up side, it could have been MUCH, MUCH worse, had I tried to catch it, or been slower getting away. I could have easily lost a finger, it could have hit the top of my hand, severing all those tendons. I could have bled on the white carpet. ;)
None of those things happened. True, Todd was in LA, but he pulled strings and rushed home early, so that he was there when I woke up from surgery. I have a great kid, who hung with me almost the whole time- and wouldn't let me go to the ER alone. I have wonderful neighbors who came to get the kid and take her home for some rest, when I was admitted. I have great in-laws, who came and sat with me , took the kid to eat and hung out until I went into surgery. I have friends who kept tabs on me,and checked up often,so I knew I was not alone. I am blessed, truly, and I am aware and grateful for it.
So here is to blessings, and here also to NO MORE WOUNDINGS!