Photo by :Blue Note Images
I am a nerd/ geek/enthusiast- whatever you wish to call it. I love Comic books ( I am a Marvel girl from the Mid 80's on...along with a spattering of Indi titles- ElfQuest being a very favorite) I am a Star Trek fan,pretty much since birth ( I grew up watching it with my dad....and had I been a boy, My middle name WOULD have been Kirk) I saw the first Star Wars in the theater. ( and had lots of action figures...too bad none of them survived time) I have been a fan of Doctor Who since the Tom Baker days.
The moving of Doctor Who,and geek culture in general into the mainstream makes me happy...I can easily get merchandise ( and merchandise made to fit women...instead of things just geared toward boys and men) pleases me.
I unashamedly love comic book films,and adventure films...and you pretty much would have to drag me in kicking and screaming to a chic flick.
I grew up reading Asimov, Herbert, McCaffery, and so many more....the worlds that were created on these pages, on the screen were so much MORE than the world I was in.They seemed richer and deeper and somehow more accepting of the awkward, tiny,redheaded girl,that I was ...I could go there whenever I needed to escape the cruelness that childhood can be.
The fact that it is OK to be a "geek" or a "nerd" now....really is a wonderful thing to see.
And NOW,I get to incorporate my geekery into shoots! Doctor Who ( above) Star Trek, I am working on a Dark Phoenix as well as a Black Widow shoots. Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman ( DC I know, but classics) I am in Heaven, I tell you Heaven!
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