Monday, April 21, 2014


Photo by: Michael Barton Art

 There is always quite a bit of chatter about the "evils" of Photoshop.  But what many people forget is that Photoshop is much more than  making someone thinner or taller or whatever.  It is about changing backgrounds,it is about color correcting, or fixing lighting,it is about fixing stray hair,or getting rid of under eye circles or a zit, it is about getting rid of wrinkles in clothing.
Photo retouching is NOT a new thing,it has been around almost as long as photography has...except in the past, it was done by hand. They would tint photos, fix issues and what have you.
( Amusing family story... My Great Grandfather ( step) only had one eye, (as he had been kicked by a mule when young) he didn't wear a patch,just had an area of smooth skin where the eye used to be.  At my Uncles wedding in the 60's, he of course, was in many of the pictures , as was expected of the grandfather of the groom.  The photographer, hadn't really bothered to ask or had not spoken directly with Grandpa Clark, and had a bit of a freak out when the negatives came back.  He thought something had gone very wrong with his camera ( not really thinking it through that it only happened to this one specific person)  and very carefully, in every picture Grandpa Clark was in, drew in his missing eye.  When Grandpa Clark saw them,he smiled, and laughed, and said something like "Huh! That"s what I look like with two, handsome fellow!"  )

Photo by: Mike Jones MYK Productions

      These two pictures here are  good example of color saturation as well as overall smoothing. Photoshopped image is the top one)   Photoshop can fix makeup issues ( or add makeup where there is none   )   It really can do a great deal, though most photographers would prefer that as much as possible is  done " in camera" before Photoshop gets involved,but some things just aren't possible, that is real life. Photoshop is just a tool,and used well it is a good one. When people talk about using un Photoshopped pictures in magazines,I don't know if they realize that even school pictures are shopped, to a certain extent ( that option for "blemish removal"? yes,Photoshop)

And when we talk about fantasy or art photography, Photoshop can be even more involved. Flaming swords and tigers and wings are generally just not practical ( or inexpensive) in real life.  ;)

So just remember, Photoshop can be used with a light touch or a heavy one.  It can be used to manipulate a picture, a background the color of an item of clothing.... it is a tool ,nothing more . And also remember there are people who are artists with it,and those that are not very good at all.

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