Photo by: Michael Barton Art
It is good to have goals... in life,in business, in anything you do. It gives you that next level to reach for, the next step to take the next direction you need to push for. I ,for the past 10 months,have kind of been treading water. Mostly because of the unfinished state of my tattoo. I haven't been PUSHING. I have been doing shoots as they come up, and not really searching for them. I have been doing lots of Art Modeling,because then it is the purely up to the artist at hand if the tattoos are to even be included in the piece. ( not to mention that it is paid)
As I look at the tattoo being done in a couple weeks,what ARE my goals for this year? What is my next step. ( and some of these I have touched on before,but here, I clarify them in my own mind)
1. To be in a print magazine,that can be found in a bookstore or newsstand. ( or even more than one) A Tattoo magazine, a photography magazine. Something that anyone could just buy, or subscribe to and have it come in the mail)
2. To be in one of the amazing online magazines, like Dark Beauty, or Giuseppina Magazine that focuses on amazing art photography.
3.To get a cover, of any magazine. ( I know better than to be picky)
4. To work on more collaborations with clothes designers, accessory designers. I will be working with the amazing Econica very soon, but I want to do more
5. More paid bookings. ( MORE is such a nebulous word, what does it mean...for me,MORE is at least one paid shoot a month, every month...maybe even 2) This is, after all how I pay for groceries. I LOVE TFP type shoots, mostly because it seems that there is more give and take between the photographer and myself, there is more of a willingness to just see where things go. BUT running with what is needed for a specific use, or the photographers vision, or a companies vision, that is good as well. I need more bookings.
6. Stretch more, explore more,do more that I have not tried before. Things like underwater photography, wind / motion/ fabric photography, Extreme make up/ body paint photography. Editorial photography, couture photography.... the list goes on of things that I want to try, things I want to do.
Realistically, will all of this happen this year? Probably not, but if they don't, they roll over to next year, and if they do... well then ,I have to set higher goals for myself !