Saturday, February 21, 2015

Old goals, and new ones

By Cadence McCarrel

Last year I had some goals for 2014.  A model of the month contest, a cover, more publications, a print magazine ( as in one that can be bought at a store) merchandising work.

Well, I didn't get  any but the publications during 2014...BUT the first part of 2015, has been pretty good!

In January, I got my first cover, ( GEM Magazine, out of the UK) for their "Glitz and Glam" Edition.
In February, I won my first Model of The Month competition for The Alternative Model Directory ( for Cosplay) I also got in contact with a wonderful hat maker who will loan me her lovely handmade hats to shoot in.  So I met the goals a little late...better late than never!

More publications, are certainly on their way this year, as last year, which is a good thing.  This makes me happy too.

So I suppose, I will carry over the goals I did not meet to this year, and add some more?

So for 2015 my goals are:
A printed magazine
More paid work
more merchandising work
To go to more casting calls
Keep learning, keep refining, keep networking

Onward and Upward!

By Wolfshead Photography

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


By: Blue Note Images

What about workshops?  Well, they are a great way to meet other models and photographers, thats what.
There are typically between 4-15 photographers , you get to work with most, if not all ofthem,and you get at least a couple pictures back from most of them ( make sure to pass on your card/contact info...otherwise how do they get hold of you?) It can also lead to individual work with particular photographers.
You get to meet other models, and see how they move and work- which can help you refine your own look as well.
The only downside is that there is GROUP of photographers,all trying to get their shot, and hearing the different directions all at once can be confusing.... the best groups are the ones that give each person a turn to direct, so as to make it easier for all involved.
How does one get involved?  Keep an eye on casting calls, and if any of your regular photographers teach as well...ask! They might not know if you are interested, unless you do!

Some workshops even pay, but at the very least, they are typically TFP.

Workshops...they are worth it!