Saturday, June 21, 2014


Photo by: Michael Barton Art
So I attended my very first tattoo convention yesterday. I had zero idea of what to expect, and so was open to anything.  Went with a friend (and photographer) as well as my daughter.

So, the Chicago Tattoo and Body Art Expo at Navy Pier....

If someone is wanting a tattoo ( not HUGE) there were easily 200 tattoo artists. They had their portfolios, and their equipment....some were also selling t-shirts, art, posters ( even some skate decks)
So my friend got a new script tattoo,and touch up of an existing one from an artist out of Rhode Island- quite reasonable 150 for both .

We got  4 free t-shirts, plus a free print, and easily had 4 different tattoo artist tell me I HAD to enter the tattoo contest later in the evning.... so for 10 bucks I did.
First problem...I was wearing regular shorts and a halter top.  I figured that was hiding a great deal of the tattoo. So first I want in search of a bikini bottoem or something....I managed to find some booty shorts ( complete with three little pink lip prints)
So after having to wait a  LOOOONG time for my segment to be called, I took off my regular shorts, walked up the stairs to the stage, turned for the judges, walked to the end of the stage and turned for the audiance . Even though I was really nervous, it wasn't bad.
My tattoo isn't totally done ( one session left) But I figured what the hey., might as well never knows. Besides, life is meant to be lived!
 I didn't win, but the winner was AMAZING...picture a Japanese sleve with dragon, koi, flowers,clouds, water....but done HYPER real.  With the shading to not only look 3-d, but the koi actually looked wet ( and a super nice guy, while waiting for results , he was showing me pictures of his grandkids)

So, all in all ,I figure I willgoto the next one, my ink willbe done, and I might have a chance...the girl wants to come with, and I will put a swimsuit under my clothes.  But if you are into tattoo's I reccomend going at least once.

Thursday, June 12, 2014


Photo by: G&D Studios 
Photo by: Micahel Barton Art 

What do these two images have in common? ( Other than the obvious that they are of me) Both in corsets, both with "strong" arm positions, both with hair down...both with slightly challenging. or again "strong" expressions....both had the ever popular "internet troll" say they looked like a man..or a"dude" .

Now, I am very aware that when you put yourself out there,in pretty much any capacity, you run the risk of negitivity...this is the nature of humans and especially the can't let it get to you, and I don't.  But me being me, have a need to analyze.  ( Silly, I know)

So really the only thing that comes to mind is neither of these are "soft". Not only do they both have some small amount of definition in my arms ( believe me, I want MORE) and neither have a "sexy" or "breathless" or "shy" look on my face...they have a little smirk, a challenge, maybe even a  bit haughty .
That's all I you think I look like a "dude"?  Seems to me that I lack one major anotomical part, and have an additional two , rather prominant ones :)

Regardless, I will keep doing what I am doing, keep challenging myself ( and hopefully others) and not ever let the Trolls bring me down...( and I certainly won't feed them!)

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Other work

Photo by: G&D Studios

Sorry I haven't been posting here in a bit, but I have been working other, non photo related things the last week and a half or so...I have been weeding and planting the garden ( along with digging a drainage trench and filling it with rock- still have larger rocks to add, but that is mostly done) I also patched and painted the holes in the siding left by the woodpeckers ( a constant battle with them and the cedar siding) We back up to a forest preserve, and the silly birds can't tell the differeance between a tree ( of which there are many) and the, we get holes...which need to be filled, or we WILL have bugs living in them. This involved the big ladder, expanding foam for some holes and much up and down.
I also have been doing more promo work for Mad Housewife Wine...which I have to say, is a lot of fun...people want to take my picture, they want to take pictures with me...( and for those that come  there are always goodies like spatualas, shirts, nail files, matches and other assorted swag to be had)

This along with the end of the school year, graduation parties, regular art modeling, e-Bay sales, and just life in general got in the way of posting as often as I would like....but I have even more shoots coming up, so there will be more to see, no question.