Saturday, June 21, 2014


Photo by: Michael Barton Art
So I attended my very first tattoo convention yesterday. I had zero idea of what to expect, and so was open to anything.  Went with a friend (and photographer) as well as my daughter.

So, the Chicago Tattoo and Body Art Expo at Navy Pier....

If someone is wanting a tattoo ( not HUGE) there were easily 200 tattoo artists. They had their portfolios, and their equipment....some were also selling t-shirts, art, posters ( even some skate decks)
So my friend got a new script tattoo,and touch up of an existing one from an artist out of Rhode Island- quite reasonable 150 for both .

We got  4 free t-shirts, plus a free print, and easily had 4 different tattoo artist tell me I HAD to enter the tattoo contest later in the evning.... so for 10 bucks I did.
First problem...I was wearing regular shorts and a halter top.  I figured that was hiding a great deal of the tattoo. So first I want in search of a bikini bottoem or something....I managed to find some booty shorts ( complete with three little pink lip prints)
So after having to wait a  LOOOONG time for my segment to be called, I took off my regular shorts, walked up the stairs to the stage, turned for the judges, walked to the end of the stage and turned for the audiance . Even though I was really nervous, it wasn't bad.
My tattoo isn't totally done ( one session left) But I figured what the hey., might as well never knows. Besides, life is meant to be lived!
 I didn't win, but the winner was AMAZING...picture a Japanese sleve with dragon, koi, flowers,clouds, water....but done HYPER real.  With the shading to not only look 3-d, but the koi actually looked wet ( and a super nice guy, while waiting for results , he was showing me pictures of his grandkids)

So, all in all ,I figure I willgoto the next one, my ink willbe done, and I might have a chance...the girl wants to come with, and I will put a swimsuit under my clothes.  But if you are into tattoo's I reccomend going at least once.

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