Thursday, February 20, 2014

Tattoo session

                            Photo by G& D Studios 

I am continuing work on the large tattoo of a Dragon and a Phoenix you see in this photoshoot.   Since this shoot in December, The Phoenix ( on my stomach)  has been completely colored in.  The next session is March 7th, where we will work on finishing the dragon on my leg.

Most of the time,I sit rather well for tattoos...I don't squirm,or yell, faint or puke.  ( Yes,ask your tattoo artists,they most likely have had ALL of these things happen to them at one time or another) Now granted, on the whole this has been a tough goes to my lower ribs at the front, from hip bone to hip bone, around the ribs on my side,and down to my upper thigh....most,if not all of these spots tend to be painful ones.  ( more than ,typically a shoulder, an arm etc)

My sitting yesterday did not go well.  I seemed to be just super sensitive,so had to break every half an hour or so...I spent a good portion of time having to bite my own knuckles ( I did avoid screaming and crying,though there was some soft cursing and grunts- The whole screaming thing tends to frighten other clients in the shop...I try to avoid that )  The goal for the day was to finish up the wing on my ribs and the tail feathers ( except for little bits of extra color) We did indeed make it through... Though by the end of the thigh, and the session ,  I could feel the muscles, especially in my leg, start to jump and twitch.  ( an aside, Miles Maniaci at Deluxe Tattoo is very calming and mellow...and certainly helped me make it through)

By the time I walked in the door at home,I was not feeling well ( after an hour drive) I was shaky, woozy, and shivering.  I managed to get up the stairs and hit the couch before I quite literally fell over.  I think I was actually shocky.  I ate a steak salad and an Atkins snack bar and felt reasonably better, though I almost puked twice, and spent the majority of the evening laying on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, with a cat curled up next to me,and a cup of hot tea in my hand.  It wan't until this morning that I felt "myself" again.

What was wrong, what was different, what was the problem? What is the lesson here?  EAT.  I had eaten my normal breakfast/ lunch( or my normal lately, as I am working on getting back down to my modeling weight) So I had had 2 cups of tea, lots of water and a large apple  ( and ran 2.5 miles) before going in.  Apparently this was not enough.  Now I know. Don't eat heavy...but don't eat too lightly either.    

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