Friday, March 28, 2014

Win Some, Lose Some

Photo by: Michael Bsrton Art

Photo by MYK Productions

Modeling seems to be a hit or miss type of job. Timing, Schedules and most importantly LOOK all seem to be key in getting published ( or anything else) Connections don't hurt either.

The wins for today... Got news that the first image, above,  that I had entered in a contest over at Obscure Magazine  won FIRST PLACE ( voted on by the staff members, for pose, look, quality etc.) Which means in May's edition I will have a two page spread.  To say that I am excited by this,would be an understatement.  They are very picky about their images, and only pick real quality and artistry.  So this is a great honor for me, no question. I really wasn't expecting a win AT ALL, so to say I was surprised, and pleased.... yeah, you get it.

The lose for the day- The second picture,from a set done over a year ago, and recently gotten back to me, has now had two magazines turn it down,siting "quality" issues.  the second one,actually gave me a little more saying the retouching seemed to be over done and covering up for over exposure.  Which it wasn't... I get what the photographer was trying to do, and agreed with was all for the "look" of this kind of hi-tech, Geisha shoot.  But the fact that two magazines have said the same thing ,says to me that this set isn't going anywhere, which sucks- because I really like's fun.  BUT not everyone sees the same things,not everyone appreciates the same things, and that is something that needs to be accepted as well.

As a model, you have to be ok with rejection. Sometimes it is kindly done, sometimes not as much.  You have to not take it personally, not beat your head against the proverbial brick wall and just move on to the next thing, the next shoot, the next submission. Know the difference between  it won't happen, and it won't happen "now" .  I am trying, I certainly am.    

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